The main objectives of the South East Business and Investment Summit are to:
Utilize enterprising, deeply knowledgeable and creative entrepreneurs of South East extraction to evolve robust region-wide Public-Private Partnership schemes to build wealth in South East, enhance productivity and develop the eastern hinterland.
Ultimately attract an increase in investment by South Easterners and participating investors and increase remittances into South East States by both indigenous entrepreneurs and those in the diaspora, thereby building partnerships and significantly promoting Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment inflow and capital repatriation and remittances into the South East.
Showcase the huge investment and business opportunities and potentials of the South East and propel a more assured and systematic improvement in the enabling investment climate and better the ease of doing business indices in the South East region.
Provide opportunities for effective and mutual dialogue and networking between the potential investors and governments of the region on investment opportunities, available incentives and business-friendly policies and options for joint venture partnerships.
Give relevance to the think home philosophy and ‘Akulue uno’ policy in the South East by providing practical encouragement and enabling environment by Government and the people, to South East investors and assuring them that investments in any part of South East is as profitable, safe and with great potentials, as those and if not more than other regions.